Projects overview

Sector Support Programme for Continuation to Poverty Reduction Strategy through Reforms in Vocational Education Training (VET)
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia GoA June 2011 February 2013

Description of Project:


The overall objective was to provide support for the implementation of the ENP AP 2009 SSP in VET.

The technical assistance will support the Government of Armenia (GoA) and, in particular, RA Ministry of Education and Science, in fulfillment of relevant conditionalities and present to the Commission and to the GoA recommendations for the successful continuation of the reform process. Such recommendations must take into account VET modernization and innovation activities carried out so far, as well as the institutional capacity and capability of the GoA to implement reforms.

Sector Support Programme for Support to Poverty Reduction Strategy through Reforms in Vocational Education Training (VET)
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation January 2010 January 2011

Description of Project:


The specific objective was to assist the MoES of Armenia to improve the design, management, delivery and effectiveness of state programmes and services in the area of VET through enhancement of its institutional capacity in continuing the process of VET modernization and innovation via consolidation and development of the activities carried out so far.

Sector Support Programme for Continuation to Poverty Reduction Strategy through Reforms in Vocational Education Training (VET)
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation May 2011 May 2012

Description of Project:


The overall objective was to provide support for the implementation of the ENP AP 2009 SSP in VET.

The technical assistance will support the Government of Armenia (GoA) and, in particular, RA Ministry of Education and Science, in fulfillment of VET sector conditionalities and present to the Commission and to the GoA recommendations for the successful continuation of the reform process. Such recommendations must take into account VET modernization and innovation activities carried out so far, as well as the institutional capacity and capability of the GoA to implement reforms.

Culture, Governance and Home Affairs
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation November, 2009 June, 2010

Description of Project:


The general objective of the assignment was to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth Situation Analysis of Children in Armenia including major issues and factors affecting the situation of children and the realization of their rights.

The assessment of the realization of children’s rights will consider specific denials and violations of children’s rights, and situations that contravene human rights principles such as universality and non-discrimination. It will identify which problems exist, where they are occurring, who are most affected by them, how widespread the problems are and what mechanisms exist or are absent to address those problems. 

Sector Support Programme for Support to Poverty Reduction Strategy through Reforms in Vocational Education Training (VET)
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation May 2009 December 2009

Description of Project:


The general objective of the assignment was to support the Ministry of Education and Science in the identification and formulation of policy options/legal requirements for the establishment of a National Training Fund to support VET skills development in Armenia.

Technical Assistance to RA Ministry of Education and Science for Implementation of ENP AP 2007 SSP in Vocational Education and Training – Resident TA
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Union Delegation September 2008 September 2009

Description of Project:


The overall objective was to improve the quality and relevance of VET by providing support for the implementation of the ENP AP 2007 SSP in VET. The Resident TA will support the MoES in monitoring fulfillment of the sector conditionalities and present to the European Commission and to the Government of Armenia, recommendations for continuation of the reform process. Such recommendations must take into account VET modernization and innovation activities carried so far, as well as taking due cognizance to institutional capacity to implement on-going reforms.

Technical Assistance to the Implementation of the TACIS AP 2006 Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP): Vocational Education Training, VET) and Social Child Care
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation May 2007 May 2008

Description of Project:


The overall objective was to support Vocational Education and Training Development (VETD) through the TACIS Action Programme 2006, which comprises a Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP), a new modality of EC assistance to Armenia. This type of assistance places greater onus on the beneficiary institution than the traditional project modality. The support to be provided accordingly aims to improve the institutional capacity of Ministry of Education and Science (MOES), particularly the VET Department.

Armenia - TACIS AP 2006, Support to Poverty Reduction Strategy focusing on Education (Vocational Education Training, VET) and Social Affairs (Child Care); Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Education and Science
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Union Delegation June 2007 June 2008

Description of Project:


The overall objective was to provide support for the implementation of the TACIS AP 2006 SPSP. The technical assistance supported the Ministry of Education and Science in monitoring the fulfillment of policy conditions that apply to the component of VET of the sector policy support program and present to the Commission and to the Government of Armenia (GoA) recommendations for continuation of the reform process. Such recommendations must take into account VET modernization and innovation activities carried out so far, as well as the institutional capacity and capability of the GoA to implement reforms.

"Assistance to Development Educational Capabilities of Public Administration Academy of Armenia" Project
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia TACIS Armenia January 2005 July 2005

Description of Project:


The objectives of this contract were:

  • Develop the system of uninterrupted in-service career development training (extern) in the Academy;
  • Develop distance learning system in the Academy. This is particularly important due to the fact that 85% of Municipal Servants and 15% of the civil servants are located in the regions and there are no state financial means to decentralize the learning (training) centres;
  • Enhance the system of entrance and qualifying examinations in Public Administration in the Academy. An additional responsibility has been added to the Academy’s scope of work, which is - to develop curricula for MA degree in Public Administration. Also, with the adoption of the draft law on Municipal Service, the Academy will have to develop graduate degree and training programs for the municipal servants.
  • Introduce a course on EU-Armenia relations/cooperation and PCA (Partnership & Cooperation Agreement) of Armenia with the European Union.
  • Develop managerial skills of the Academy personnel, establish Board of Professionals in the Academy
"Support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the Introduction and Development of Policy Alternatives to Institutionalised Childcare in Armenia" Project
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia TACIS Armenia December 2004 December 2005

Description of Project:


The overall objective of this project was to strengthen strategy development and management capacity in the MLSA and the office of the Supervisor of Orphanages. 

The main directions of this strategy are the following:

  • The establishment of the position of the Supervisor of Orphanages and the redefinition of the responsibilities of the Department of Family, Women and Children of the MLSA. This was needed to ensure a more effective involvement of the MLSA in the field of child protection and reduce the post-soviet heavy bias on administrative and legalistic considerations.
  • An action plan to establish a network for child protection comprised of a National Commission for Child Protection and Marz (regional administrative subdivision) Commissions. This network should be supported by regional Social Service Centres, operating in Armenia since September 1993, that are best placed in knowing the situation of vulnerable families in their area of responsibility.
  • Implementation of the Welfare Standards for childcare in childcare institutions developed in 2003 with very significant input by civil society, USAID/PADCO and UNICEF. A working group led by the Minister of LSA including all relevant GoA and civil society players was established in 2003 in order to draw, in a coherent manner, on all possible resources in the field of child protection in Armenia.
  • Involvement of civil society in all facets of policy development as well as in the delivery of state social programmes. In addition to the experience described above the MLSA outsourced to a local NGO, as part of a pilot exercise, the implementation of a new programme in the 2003 state budget for providing support to graduates from orphanages.
"Support to the development of a strategic and legal framework for the implementation of the Vocational Educational Training Reform" Project
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia TACIS Armenia November 2003 April 2004

Description of Project:


The objective of this contract was to put in place a comprehensive strategic setting for the reform of the Armenian VET system and to provide the legal framework for the effective development and implementation of the Tacis project on the ‘Support to the reform of the Armenian VET system’.

One of the key aspects to be considered was the consultation process involved in the elaboration of the VET legislation. The experience in some partner countries has demonstrated the importance and effectiveness of the involvement of all the national key actors in the various drafting phases. The offering of the draft law to public debate with the involvement of national and international actors and representatives to provide comments and proposals has been shown to be a most effective way of preparing an acceptable new law.

Training on Intensive Orchards Establishment and Management for the Farmers – Beneficiaries of Baghramyan-Norakert Newly Constructed Irrigation Scheme
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia ADA August 2018 September2018

Description of Project:

The project was implemented with beneficiaries of Baghramyan-Norakert newly constructed irrigation scheme and expanded to the farmers in Aragatsotn Marz. It has supported the farmers providing technical assistance to introduce modern technologies and effective techniques of intensive orchard establishment and management that are used successfully worldwide. The project included in-classroom and hands-on trainings with practical exercises of cost calculation, calculations of right balance of ingredients while using fertilizers and chemicals. As a result over 80 farmers from Armavir and Aragatsotn marzes were trained.


“Participatory Policies Sustainable Agriculture” Project Sub-Grant for “Commitment to Constructive Dialogue” Project
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia EU May 2018 May 2019

Description of Project:

The project is implemented by a consortium of 6 member organizations of Agricultural Alliance of Armenia. The overall objective of the Project is sustainable development of agriculture in Armenia through improvement of the policies in the agricultural sector. During the project at least 7 packages of recommendations on improvement of agricultural policies will be developed and submitted, at least 2 out of which will be included in the agricultural development national agenda.


Qualitative Assessment of Services and Accountability of WUAs in Armenia, World Bank development” project, funded by UNICEF
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia The World Bank Group April 2017 June 2017

Description of Project:

The qualitative research aims to examine challenges to accountability and effectiveness of WUAs, as experienced and perceived by water users, compare these views to perceptions of water service providers (WUA management representatives) on the same set of issues, and facilitate the proposal of actions/ solutions at the WUA level (or beyond, if applicable) to improve effectiveness and satisfaction with irrigation water supply. The research will incorporate qualitative research methodology: focus group discussions (FGD), key informant interviews (KII), and a pilot community scorecard for water users and representatives of WUA administration.

In addition to understanding water users’ and service providers’ perspectives, this research aims to test and propose a regular mechanism for engagement with water users to incorporate their feedback, engage them in decision-making processes, and  provide opportunity for a continuous improvement of the quality, accountability,  and satisfaction with water services.
Description of services provided by VISTAA staff within the assignment:

The following is the description of activities to be implemented by the Consultant:


  • To review and finalize the methodology, samples, draft interview and discussion guides, and scorecard, discuss and agree finalized research instruments with World Bank team.
  •  to develop a methodology for outreach to relevant authorities to obtain their concurrence prior to beginning of research, a strategy for recruitment of respondents, and a detailed work plan with timeline for the research
  • To conduct training for moderators and pilot-test the methodology. At least 2 pilot FGDs and KIIs (or at least one per moderator) will be included in the pilot.
  • To conduct fieldwork in all sample communities according to the agreed work plan.
  • To submit a detailed outline of the report for comments and approval by the World Bank team


Final Evaluation of the EU-funded “Mitigating social consequences of labour migration and maximising migrants’ involvement in local development” project, funded by UNICEF
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia UNICEF August 2016 November 2016

Description of Project:


The purpose of this final evaluation is to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of interventions under the EU-funded “Mitigating social consequences of labour migration and maximizing migrants’ involvement in local development” project with a focus on social services responding to the needs of socially vulnerable and migrants’ families in Armenia.


The specific objectives of the evaluation aim to assess: a) whether the project has been successful in achieving its key outputs and outcomes established in the project action plan and logical framework, primarily related to their coherence and suitability in addressing the “social costs”; b) how far the project has been able to address the issues of sustainability of the interventions, including changes in policy and practice; c) project achievements for migrants’ families within context of overall reform of integrated Social Services and UNICEF’s work in this regard, as well as migration and development nexus.


Description of services provided by VISTAA staff within the assignment:


  1. Conducting the Evaluation of the project
  2. Design phase: Desk research, Development of Methodology and implementation plan of the evaluation
  3. Field phase (qualitative and quantitative): Data collection and analysis
  4. Reporting phase: Preparation of the final report and recommendations
  5. Final presentation: presenting the findings and recommendations to the Client and other stakeholders
Institutional Development Studies for Irrigation System Modernization Project (ISMP), “Water Sector PIU” SA
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia “Water Sector PIU” SA Feb 2015 May 2015

Description of Project:


The main objective of the assignment is to design activities for the institutional development component of ISMP project aimed at strengthening WUAs in terms of managerial potential and technical upgrading. The institutional strengthening of WUAs will include measures targeted on: (i) improvement of irrigation fee collection; (ii) reduction of irrigation water cost; (iii) development of WUAs’ governance bodies, including representatives, administrative council, various committees; (iv) improvement of irrigation services; (v) promotion of new irrigation technologies; (vi) increasing awareness of water users about WUAs; etc.


Description of services provided by VISTAA staff within the assignment:


The following is the description of activities to be implemented by the Consultant:


  1. Review the legal framework regulating WUAs’ performance and provide recommendations for its improvement.
  2. Investigate fee collection arrangements and propose measures for enforcing high irrigation fee collection rate.
  3. Develop measures for increasing water users’ awareness by using all the possible modern communication means to develop institutional capacities of WUAs.
  4. Review the institutional capacities of WUAs and study the incentives and promotional arrangements to stimulate performance of WUAs’ governance bodies with proposals on future performance improvements in the irrigation sector.
  5. Prepare a draft concept and strategy on promoting Participatory Irrigation Management (it is proposed to present specific promotional steps, measures), analyze measures for increasing awareness level of water users and their representatives, prepare a draft strategy for establishment of a pilot federation of WUAs.
  6. Identify measures for increasing awareness level of water users on application of new irrigation technologies.
  7. Investigate measures aimed at improving the services provided to water users and recommend measures for their improvement.
  8. Elaborate procedures for establishment of reserves and writing off of losses on receivables generated by water users for the purposes of financial accounting (governing by the requirements of the standard 39 “Financial instruments, recognition and measurement”) including definition of the required concepts, tools, estimations and criteria.
  9. Review the legal framework regulating the procedures for writing off receivables and develop solutions for writing off receivables generated by water users within 2004-2008 without generating tax liabilities, or proposing amendments to the existing legislation.
  10. Investigate the actual electricity consumption by pumping stations operated by WUAs and provide recommendations on upgrading electrical equipment and analyze possibility and efficiency of implementing a SCADA data collection system.
  11. Develop a Training Program for relevant specialists of the Client and relevant staff of WUAs to be implemented under ISMP.
Evaluation of the Family Support Services and Stakeholders Contribution to Related Services/Systems, UNICEF
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia UNICEF December 2014 November 2015

Description of Project: The purpose of this formative evaluation is to: 


  • assess the effectiveness of the Services/CP Systems Targeted by the Evaluation in responding to social and child protection needs of vulnerable families with children[5]
  • assess UNICEF’s support to the Services/CP Systems Targeted by the Evaluation since 2010.
  • The specific objectives of the evaluation are to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of: integrated social centres, including territorial offices of social services;
  • family, women and child protection units (CPU), guardianship and trusteeship commissions (GTC);
  • cooperation between Services/CP Systems Targeted by the Evaluation and education, health facilities as well as police;


linkages and coherence between integrated social services, GTCs and CPUs in responding to the needs of vulnerable families with children.


Description of actual services provided by VISTAA staff within the assignment:


  1. Evaluation of UNCIEF funded Child Protection sector services
  2. Design phase: Desk research, Development of Methodology and implementation plan of the evaluation
  3. Field phase (qualitative and quantitative): Data collection and analysis
  4. Reporting phase: Preparation of the final report and recommendations
  5. Final presentation: presenting the findings and recommendations to the Client and other stakeholders
Farmer to Farmer Program
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia USAID November 2013 April 2018

Description of Project:

For three decades, Farmer to Farmer has promoted sustainable development, food security, and economic growth in over 110 countries through the volunteer efforts of US farmers and members of agribusinesses, cooperatives, and universities. Closely aligned with Feed the Future, the U.S. Government’s global hunger and food security initiative, the F2F Program works to support inclusive agriculture sector growth, facilitate private sector engagement in the agriculture sector and enhance development of local capacity.

In the scope of the program ACDI/VOCA recruits exert volunteers in the various agriculture related subsectors of economy from all 50 states and District of Columbia. Targeted volunteer assignments address host-led priorities to expand economic growth in ways which increase incomes and improve access to nutritious food. Volunteers work with local hosts (individuals and organizations) to support growth within specified agriculture value chains to achieve better economic performance and results.


Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia ADB/EBRD November 2012 January 2013

Description of Project:


The Sevan Hrazdan Cascade Hydropower System Rehabilitation Project is being considered for financing by a group of financial institutions consisting of Asian Development Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The Project will be implemented by International Energy Corporation, which is sponsored byRusHydro.


Description of services provided by VISTAA staff within the assignment:


  1. To assess the technical design and other specifications of the existing Sevan Hrazdan Cascade
  2. Hydropower System and to confirm the extent to which it corresponds to a hydro project in line with the current international standards;
  3. To review the Company’s operation & maintenance (“O&M”) activities of the existing Sevan Hrazdan Cascade Hydropower System, to assess the Company’s O&M capacity, and to confirm the extent to which it is compatible with the prudent industry practice;
  4. To assess technical integrity and sustainability and expected operational improvement (including
  5. preventive benefits) by the proposed investment programme which is planned for 2012-2015 (Phase
  6. 1 which corresponds to the Project) and 2016-17 (Phase 2); and


To outline potential operational and safety risks, life of the assets and major maintenance requirements related to the facilities and equipment that will not be upgraded.

Mid-Term Programmatic Evaluation of the USDA Caucasus Agriculture Development Initiative in Armenia, USAID
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia USAID August, 2012 October, 2012

Narrative Description of the Project:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service commissioned this study to evaluate its activities under the Caucasus Agricultural Development Initiative in Armenia (CADI) from FY 2011 to the present.  CADI projects are focused on six program areas supporting agriculture and agribusiness development in Armenia. This evaluation seeks to determine and describe the effectiveness of the CADI by defining the approaches used for each project, providing output and outcome results at the mid-term and analyzing those results to determine prospects for sustainability.  The evaluation also provides a description of the overall U.S. government assistance to the agriculture sector in Armenia, with an emphasis on defining USDA’s role in supporting this assistance framework.

Description of services provided by VISTAA staff within the assignment:
Advisors were expected to assist the program evaluation, visiting sites, conducting interviews with recipients and contribute written material to the final evaluation report. In addition the VISTAA M&E Specialist assisted the QED Senior Evaluator with the presentation of findings at the U.S. Embassy on September 7, 2012.

“Initiative on Soaring Food Prices (ISFP), Technical Cooperation Program (TCP), “Beneficiary satisfaction and impact assessment survey”
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation February, 2010 April, 2010

Narrative Description of the Project:


  • Assess the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries with the FAO ISFP projects and the impacts on their lives
  • Collect the views of project beneficiaries, implementing agencies and input suppliers on the major constraints or problems they faced with the projects and suggestions for improvements
  • Contribute to lessons learning process with the purpose of optimizing future emergency responses


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Conducted survey to assess the level of satisfaction of beneficiaries with the FAO ISFP projects and the impacts on their lives
  • Collected viewpoints of project beneficiaries, implementing agencies and input suppliers on the major constraints or problems they faced with the projects and suggestions for improvements
  • Prepared the Report with recommendation contributing to lessons learning process with the purpose of optimizing future emergency responses.
Sector Support Programme for Support to Poverty Reduction Strategy through Reforms in Vocational Education Training (VET) Technical Assistance to RA Ministry of Education and Science(Resident TA 2)
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation January, 2010 January, 2011

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective is to provide support for the implementation of the ENP AP 2007 SSP in VET. The Resident TA will support the MoES in monitoring the fulfilment of the sector conditionalities with the view of upcoming continuation of SSP in VET under ENP AP 2009. To implement reforms the technical assistance shall take into account VET modernisation and innovation activities carried out so far, as well as the institutional capacity and capability of the GoA.


The specific objective is to assist the MoES of Armenia to improve the design, management, delivery and effectiveness of state programmes and services in the area of VET through enhancement of its institutional capacity in continuing the process of VET modernisation and innovation via consolidation and development of the activities carried out so far.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Support the operations of National VET Council
  • Support the operations of National Centre for VET Development
  • VET Centres and their Governing Boards
  • Support Regional networks establishment for the provision of VET led by the 12 Regional Multifunctional Centres
  • Support training organizations / provision, included in the active employment measures by 12 Regional Multifunctional VET Centres.
  • Support the establishment of the Training Fund on the basis of the feasibility analysis carried out under the SPSP 2007
  • Support MoES to consistently improve VET finance management
  • Miscellaneous support not envisage in Task 1 to 7
“Situation Analysis of Children in Armenia”, ECD. “LOT N° 7 Culture, Governance and Home Affairs”
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation November, 2009 October, 2010

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective of the assignment is to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth Situation Analysis of Children in Armenia including major issues and factors affecting the situation of children and the realization of their rights.


Specific objectives: 

  • Present comprehensive gender and geographic disaggregated data and trends on the status of indicators for children and measuring progress against agreed international standards, namely Millennium Development Goals, World Fit For Children (WFFC) Goals and Education for All (EFA) Goals
  • Identify and describe patterns of inequality, marginalization, vulnerability and exclusion
  • Formulate recommendations for the realization of children’s rights in the context of existing capacities policy and budgeting frameworks, legislation, capacity building efforts, service delivery systems and other strategies and interventions at different levels of society
  • Highlight knowledge and information gaps among children for further data collection, research and analysis
  • Provide a comparative analysis of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and legislation in Armenia, extensively drawing on the CRC implementation guidelines to identify gaps for advocacy;
  • Identify, prioritise and provide recommendations for a set of key actions related to realization of children’s rights for further support by the European Commission


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


The Situation Analysis will be conducted through coordination of the EC Delegation and UNICEF in Armenia and with full participation of the Government and relevant stakeholders in all stages of the process: planning, data collection, data analysis, reporting and dissemination. An Advisory Board will be established in order to ensure regular feedback to stakeholders at all stages of analysis development.


Various other stakeholders will be involved in the process of analysis elaboration such as technical experts at Ministry and Marz level, civil society organizations/NGOs, academia, private sector, donors, UN agencies, women’s groups, and young people in various forms of participation including interviews and meetings, workshops for causality analysis using the human rights based approach, and participation in focus group discussions.


The Situation Analysis should draw on all available child-related data, information and research and take stock of existing analytical processes and products, including electronic data sets in DevInfo.


The analysis will be underpinned by a human rights-based approach taking into account:


  • Causality analysis within a Conceptual Framework
  • Role-pattern analysis, examining the duty bearers and rights holders
  • Capacity gap analysis, examining the capacity of all those individuals and institutions responsible for Respecting, protecting and fulfilling children’s rights


The assessment of the realization of children’s rights will consider specific denials and violations of children’s rights, and situations that contravene human rights principles such as universality and non-discrimination. It will identify existing problem, place / location of occurrence, affected groups / individuals, frequency and volume of problems and existing or missing mechanisms to address those problems.

Armenia – ENP AP 2007, Sector Support Programme for “Support to Poverty Reduction Strategy through Reforms in Vocational Education Training (VET). Feasibility Study on Establishment of Training Fund for VET Skills Development”
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation May, 2009 December, 2009

Narrative Description of Project:


The global objective of the assignment is to support the Ministry of Education and Science in identification and formulation of policy options/legal requirements for establishment National Training Fund to support VET skills development in Armenia.


Specific objective(s) are (a) Conduct feasibility analysis of skills development financing by means of national training funds comprised of contributions from various stakeholders, such as employers and employees (b) Review current policy and legislation; identify policy options/ legislative requirements for establishment of a National VET Fund.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


The Consultant developed a strategic and comprehensive, integrated and participatory approach to the drafting of the legislation/policy options for National Training Fund establishment. The legislation/policy options drafted should seek to establish integrity, relevance and compliance with the policy/legal requirements of Armenia and at the same time represent international best practice in the area of national funds.


The Consultant, in collaboration with the Resident TA, conducted consultations with key stakeholders at the commencement of the consultancy in Armenia. Regular status meetings were held with the participation of the Consultant and the Resident TA. The Consultant carried out the following activities in order to meet the objectives stated above:


  • Undertake review and analysis of available policies/legislation relevant to establishment of National Training Fund
  • Elaborate policy proposals / recommendations for establishment and effective operation of National Training Fund
  • Based on the policy proposals and in consultation with the Resident TA Team, prepare various drafts of the legislative requirements for the smooth operations of the National Training Fund
  • Prepare the final draft of the legislation for the National Training Fund
“Monitoring Civil Society Participation in Armenia’s Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) for the Global Fund”, OSI
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation January, 2009 July, 2009

Narrative Description of the Project:


The purpose of the study is to identify best practices being implemented by the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) in order to ensure robust civil society involvement, document challenges that the CCM faces, and identify recommendations in order to strengthen the CCM.


Activities: To conduct research to monitor civil society participation in Armenia’s CCM for the Global Fund (GF) to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. This CCM monitoring project is designed to evaluate how civil society can have greater impact as an advocate for improved Global Fund programming at the country level, principally through participation CCMs. The project is not focused solely on issues of civil society representation on CCMs, but more broadly on the ability of civil society to have a significant impact on improved Global Fund programming. Issues to be considered include: how civil society members are selected for CCM membership; whether they are able to be meaningfully involved in program design and oversight; to what degree they represent the perspectives of broader civil society and what supports are available to promote more effective civil society engagement in CCMs.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


Research was done by team of sociologists to review CCM documents relevant to civil society participation, including written procedures for the CCM, Terms of Reference for members, CCM minutes, and more general documents about civil society’s role in the GF structure. The research has addressed the following main questions: Is civil society able to have direct impact on improving the quality and effectiveness of Global Fund-supported programs? What are examples of civil society having this impact through CCMs, and what factors made this possible? What can be done to foster civil society’s role as an advocate for improved Global Fund programming through its involvement in the design, monitoring and evaluation of GF programs?


Report has been prepared, with recommendation contributing to a lessons learning process. It will help inform and improve the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s policies regarding country coordinating mechanisms.

RA Ministry of Education and Science for Implementation of ENP AP 2007 SSP in Vocational Education and Training–Resident TA”
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation September, 2008 September, 2009

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective is to improve the quality and relevance of VET by providing support for the implementation of the ENP AP 2007 SSP in VET. The Resident TA will support the MoES in monitoring the fulfilment of the sector conditionalities and submit reform proposals to the European Commission and to the Government of Armenia. Such proposals should take into account VET modernization and innovation activities carried out so far, as well as due cognizance to institutional capacity to implement on-going reforms.


The specific objective is to assist the MoES of Armenia to improve the design, management, delivery and effectiveness of state programmes and services in the area of VET through enhancement of its institutional capacity in continuing the process of VET modernization and innovation via consolidation and development of the activities carried out so far.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Support the operations of National Council for VET Development
  • Strengthen the capacity of MoES on the management and administration of VET finance
  • Support VET Department of MoES in implementation of its new responsibilities (tasks) in line with the reviewed functions (Project 1)
  • Support operations of National Centre for VET Development (Project 1 and envisaged Project 2)
  • Support VET in qualification standards, assessment criteria and new/revised curricula development by employers-led sectoral work groups, introduction in 12 VET Centres and other colleges (Project 1 and envisaged Project 2)
  • Capacity building for 12 VET Centres (Project 1 and envisaged Project 2)
  • Support in development and introduction of VET accreditation system
  • Support in development and introduction of VET certification system in line with new standards and curriculum
  • Support the National Employment Service Agency (SESA), Regional and Local Employment Centres in determining labour market needs
  • Monitor VET selected centres refurbishment and use of new equipment
  • Support MoES in Monitoring “Modernization Priorities Paper and Action Plan (2005-08)” implementation
“Support to Poverty Reduction Strategy focusing on Education (Vocational Education Training, VET) and Social Affairs (Child Care). Technical Assistance to the Ministry of Education and Science”
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation June, 2007 June, 2008

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective is to provide support for the implementation of the TACIS AP 2006 SPSP. The technical assistance will support the Ministry of Education and Science in monitoring the implementation of policy conditions that apply to the VET component of the sector policy support programme and submit reform proposals to the Commission and to the Government of Armenia (GoA). Such recommendations must take into account VET modernisation and innovation activities carried out so far, as well as the institutional capacity and capability of the GoA to implement reforms.


The specific objective is to support the Ministry of Education and Science of Armenia through enhancement of its institutional capacity in continuing the process of modernisation and innovation of VET through consolidation and development of the activities carried out so far.


The conditions which were approved under TACIS AP 2006 in Armenia are structured along two main areas: (1) institutional capacity building and (2) sector policy.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


Technical assistance was relevant to the Ministry of Education and Science in the following areas / subjects:


  • Sector policy formulation / process, with particular attention to policy dialogue and social partnership; strategy and policy; implementation planning and monitoring
  • Revision of VET provision present network in the country through assessment and proposal for optimisation
  • Analysis of skills map and identification of gaps in particular, in the VET department
  • The sector based approach: evolving approach, requirements for recipient governments


Technical assistance was based on deployment of short term expertise as well as complementary institutional capacity building and awareness raising activities in order to cover ad hoc training needs on specific themes and study visits/exchange/seminars/workshops.


The thematic fields covered by the short term experts included:


  • labour market needs analysis,
  • national qualification framework
  • curricula development
  • social dialogue
  • certification and assessment
  • education financing
  • public expenditure management in education sector
  • programme budgeting
Water-to-Market Activity
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia Millennium Challenge Corporation, MCA-Armenia February, 2007 October, 2011

Water-to-Market Activity


On March 27, 2006 the Government of Armenia became signatory to a Compact with the Millennium Challenge Corporation of the United States under which it received a grant to reduce rural poverty through a program of investment and technical assistance to achieve a sustainable increase in the economic performance of the agricultural sector. With almost 40% of the rural population living in poverty and agricultural productivity significantly below its potential, this initiative has the potential to make a major contribution to the reduction of poverty in the economy as a whole. The MCA –Armenia ( ) has developed several projects to address the issue, one of them being Water-to-Market Activity


The Water-to-Market Activity Composition


Training Component

The mission of Training Component is to train farmers in field husbandry practices and use of new equipment and technologies to make efficient use of water for specific crops and conditions in the Republic of Armenia. The Trainings are implemented by the VISTAA Plus experts in relevant fields. For more information regarding the number of trainings/trainees per each Marz/Community see the table ontop right.


The trainings are provided in:

On-Farm Water Management (OFWM) (OFWM Training Manual Outline)

High Value Agriculture (HVA) (HVA Training Manual Outline) 

The target group of the Training Component is the rural population of the Republic of Armenia.


The deliverables of the Training Component are:


 OFWM deliverable

 45 000 Armenian farmers trained 



 HVA deliverable

 36 000 Armenian farmers trained 


Training activities cover all ten Marzes of Armenia. For the aggregated coverage and status of deliverables refer to the map below.


Institutional Strengthening of Irrigation Management Entities Sub-Activity


Project Goal and Objectives.


Major Activities.    


     √  Management Improvement and Detailed Action Plans for the WUAs
     √  Consultations and Training
     √  International Study Tours
     √  Equipment and machinery for WUAs and WSAs
     √  Softwares
            ♦ Accounting and budgeting of WUAs and WSAs
            ♦ GIS for WUAs


Initiatives of National Level       


     √  Irrigation Sector Policy and Legal Changes
     √  Support the Establishment of PIA


Unique Initiative of the Project


     √  Advanced Irrigation Scheduling Project


"Situation Analysis of Children in Armenia"

Global Objective:


The general objective of the assignment is to conduct a comprehensive and in-depth Situation Analysis of Children in Armenia including major issues and factors affecting the situation of children and the realization of their rights.

Specific objectives :

(a) Present comprehensive gender and geographic disaggregated data and trends on the status of indicators for children and measuring progress against agreed international standards namely Millennium Development Goals, World Fit For Children (WFFC) Goals and Education for All (EFA) Goals;
(b) Identify and describe patterns of inequality, marginalization, vulnerability and exclusion;
(c) Formulate recommendations for the realization of children’s rights in the context of existing capacities: policy and budgeting frameworks, legislation, capacity building efforts, service delivery systems and other strategies and interventions at different levels of society. 
(d) Highlight knowledge and information gaps on children for further data collection, research and analysis.
(e) Provide a comparative analysis of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and legislation in Armenia, drawing extensively on the CRC implementation guidelines to identify gaps for advocacy;
Identify, prioritise and provide recommendations for a set of key actions related to realization of children’s rights for further support by the European Commission.


Beneficiaries: Decision makers for future projects related to child protection policies.


Stakeholders: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Marz Administrations, Civil Society organizations/NGOs, Academia, Private sector, Donors, UN agencies, Women’s groups, Young people

Activities: Interviews and meeting with the stakeholders, focus group discussions, workshops to introduce the findings and situation analysis.

Outcome: Report on the situational analysis of children reflecting social, legal and educational aspects of children in Armenia.

“Technical Assistance to the Implementation of the TACIS AP 2006 Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP). Vocational Education Training, (VET) and Social Child Care”
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia European Commission Delegation May, 2007 May, 2008

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective is to support Vocational Education and Training Development (VETD) through the TACIS Action Programme 2006, which comprises a Sector Policy Support Programme (SPSP), a new modality of EC assistance to Armenia. This type of assistance places greater onus on the beneficiary institution than the traditional project modality. The support to be provided accordingly aims to improve the institutional capacity of Ministry of Education and Science (MOES), particularly the VET Department.


The specific objective is to support MOES through enhancing its institutional capacity in continuing modernization and innovation of VET. The technical assistance will support MOES in monitoring the execution of SPSP policy and will submit proposals on reforms development to the Commission and the Government of Armenia (GOA).


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Support in establishment of Task Force and National Council for Vocational Development (NCVD)
  • Review and update the MPP AP review and update
  • Prepare functional review of VET Department and provide support for establishment of NCVETD
  • Task 4 Support in establishment and operation of NCVETD (on demand basis)
  • Task 5 Strengthen MOES capacity to justify increased funding for VET (to support other TACIS VET project as well)
  • Task 6 Support in documentation preparation for EC budget support programme for 2008-10, if required.
  • Task 7 Support to MOES for meeting conditionalities for EC budget support programme for 2008-10
Development of Forest Management Plans for 12 Communities of Tavush and Gegharkunik Marzes
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia World Bank September, 2006 September, 2007

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective of the assignment is in close cooperation with communities to develop the forest management plans and forest rehabilitation designs for the areas allocated to community management, which should be developed according to the following:

  • In a participatory manner taking into account the environmental, economic and social roles and importance of forest resources
  • Building the capacities of community members and Armenian professionals, preparing forest management plans with the mentioned approaches
  • In a manner which involves the community members in the forest management planning process, and other key stakeholders including, the forest industry, Hayantar, NGOs
  • Based on non-timber, ecological, biodiversity aspects of the forest, social functions and participation, which is important for integration of forest and watershed management plans


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


Preparation and presentation of 12 Community Forest Management Plans of Gegharkunik and Tavush Marzes.


  • Preparation of forest management plans and forest rehabilitation design
  • Participatory Rural appraisal
  • Participatory resources assessment
  • Rapid Biodiversity Assessments (endangered flora and fauna, important genetic resources, watersheds, potential corridors)
  • Installation of experimental plots for pilot management and rehabilitation measures
  • Demarcation of forest compartments with use of GIS
  • Forest inventories according to current instructions (stock volume, timber quality, growth rates, spp diversity, critical biotopes, NTFPs), etc.
“Small Biodiversity Grants Scheme”, World Bank Natural Resource Management and Poverty Reduction Project
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia NRMPR Project Implementation Unit, Ministry of Nature Protection May, 2006 May, 2007

Narrative Description of the Project:


The primary objectives of the Project are to protect globally significant biodiversity by supporting local livelihoods in communities located inside or in buffer zones adjacent to the protected areas, and to reduce pressure on biological resources.


Specific objectives of the project are:


  • Identify alternative and sustainable income-generating activities for local communities and other stakeholders to reduce pressure on the pastures, hay meadows and forests
  • Strengthen local and national capacity through education and training
  • Raise public awareness of biodiversity values and increase participation in biodiversity conservation
  • Provide technical assistance to local communities for development and implementation of micro-projects aimed at recourse sustainable management, biodiversity conservation and poverty reduction
  • Create feeling of ownership of the project goals among the local population
  • Disseminate knowledge about innovative skills and technologies, as well as traditional methods of natural resource use aimed to improve living standards of the local communities in the project areas


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • The specific tasks of VISTAA, contracted to implement the Small Grant Program are:
  • Develop, translate and finalize the draft SBCGS Operational Manual prepared by NRMPR PIU
  • Prepare, publish and disseminate a SBCGS operational manual, booklet, including description, scoring and selection criteria, and call for proposals
  • Prepare a proposal format for submitting proposal concept notes and full proposals for grant funding and ensure its availability for the potential applicants
  • Introduce the program goals to the local communities, using different methods of public awareness campaign; particularly field visits, meetings, community collective meetings, etc
  • Hold workshops with NRMPR Project communities’ RUAs and community members to build understanding of the objectives of SBCGS and criteria for selection and administration
  • Hold meetings with local communities population to introduce the SBCGS goals, selection criteria and administrative issues
  • Help the grant application participants to prepare concept paper and application package
  • Prepare Grant Agreement and Report Forms, which should be included in the SBCGS Operational manual
  • Collect and register the Applications, checking that all the proposals are in the required format (are stamped and/or signed, if the Grant applicant does not have a stamp)
  • Numerate all the proposals and prepare a summary sheet, putting in groups the proposals from the same community
  • Submit the Small Grant Proposals to NRMPR PIU Small Grant Proposals Evaluation Committee secretary; prepare a document (receipt) regarding the proposals submitted and not damaged; the document should be signed by two parties: PIU and Supporting Organization
Curriculum Development and Training of Trainers for the RA Academy of Public Administration, World Bank Public Sector Modernization Project
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia Public Administration Academy June, 2006 January, 2008

Narrative Description of the Project:


One of the key priorities of public sector reforms in the Republic of Armenia is the training of civil servants and training of trainers aiming at merit-based recruitment and provision of public management sector with professional and skilled cadres. The key priority is to develop new training programs. The programs shall meet the training needs based on the nature, the volume and the scope of responsibilities of civil servants. According to state education criteria the training programs will include the following 3 components: knowledge system, abilities and skills and merit system. It is necessary to develop application tools for the implementation of interactive training methods for each component. In the training programs basic requirements and issues concerning the introduction of distant learning method should be envisaged, as well.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA  Staff:


  • Analysis of first training programs and the level of training effectiveness for civil servants
  • Study of civil servants’ training needs and outline of outcomes (conduct sociological survey for needs assessment among the civil servants of the RA)
  • Study of best international practices on training programs development, training of civil servants and design of proposals on possible application thereof in the Republic
  • Development of civil servants training packages
  • Development of Training of trainers program trainings
  • Implementation of Trainers’ trainings /train-the-trainers within RA Academy of Public Administration system
Consumer Survey in All Sectors of Armenian Economy, including, Residential (urban and rural), Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural Sectors
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia USAID Energy Efficiency Project November, 2005 March, 2006

Narrative Description of the Project:


The objectives of this Project are:


To identify the market potential and economic potential for energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies in all sectors of Armenian economy
AEAI will provide a set of strategic recommendations to US Agency for International Development and the Government of Armenia on implementation of energy efficiency measures and renewable energy technologies


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


The following tasks were performed within the project:


  • Task 1: Review the questionnaires designed by the AEAI specialists and provide comments and suggestions on those. The contractor should provide detailed information on the techniques of determining the survey respondents according to the provided samples in each sector (enclosed in the Attachment A).
  • Task 2: Meet with AEAI specialists to discuss the survey conducting details and specifics for each sector. The AEAI specialists will instruct the survey conducting personnel on the specific issues related to the energy efficiency and renewable energy, and also the coding system for data entry in the SPSS software.
  • Task 3: Conduct a survey of residential, commercial, municipal and industrial sectors using the questionnaire and survey samples for each sector developed by the AEAI specialists.
  • Task 4: Provide AEAI with a detailed report on the survey process in electronic and print form / both in soft and hard copy.
  • Task 5: Provide AEAI with a database of survey responses inputted into SPSS software in a format suitable for further analysis. The Contractor should discuss the format of the database with AEAI specialists.
Preparation and Presentation of Training to Rural Business Service Providers
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia USAID ASME Project November, 2005 June, 2006

Narrative Description of the Project:


The International Bank for Agricultural Development (IFAD), in cooperation with the Government of Armenia, is in the process of launching the Rural Areas Enterprise Development Project. One objective of this project is to increase the availability of credit funds to farmer and enterprises operating in the Marzes. For this purpose a capacity building program was initiated for private rural business service providers (RBSPs) to enable them to provide fee-based services to farmers and business people in the regions which are the intended beneficiaries of the credit program.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Preparation and presentation of Training Modules to the Regional Business Service Providers on the following topics
  • Market research techniques
  • Basic Bookkeeping
  • Cash Flow Modelling
  • Business Planning
Assistance to Development Educational Capabilities of Public Administration Academy of Armenia
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia TACIS Armenia January, 2005 July, 2005

Narrative Description of the Project:

The wider objective of the Project of which this contract will be a part are as follows:
To promote development of Civil service system in Armenia by improving training and re-training systems of civil servants

Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


The objectives of the contract are as follows:


  • Develop the system of uninterrupted in-service career development training (extern) in the Academy
  • Develop distance learning system in the Academy. This is particularly important due to the fact that 85% of Municipal Servants and 15% of the civil servants are located in the regions and there are no state financial means to decentralize the learning (training) centres
  • Enhance the system of entrance and qualifying examinations in Public Administration in the Academy. An additional responsibility has been added to the Academy’s scope of work, that is – to develop curricula for MA degree in Public Administration. Also, with the adoption of the draft law on Municipal Service, the Academy will have to develop graduate degree and trainings programs for the municipal servants
  • Introduce a course on EU-Armenia relations/cooperation and PCA (Partnership & Cooperation Agreement) of Armenia with the European Union
  • Develop managerial skills of the Academy personnel, establish Board of Professionals in the Academy
Support to the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs for the Introduction and Development of Policy Alternatives to Institutionalized Childcare in Armenia
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia TACIS Armenia December, 2004 December, 2005

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective of this Project is to strengthen strategy development and management capacity in the MLSA and the office of the Supervisor of Orphanages.


The main directions of this strategy are the following:


  • Establishment of the position of the Supervisor of Orphanages and the redefinition of the responsibilities of the Department of Family, Women and Children of the MLSA-this was necessary to ensure a more effective involvement of the MLSA in the field of child protection and reduce the post-soviet heavy bias on administrative and legalistic considerations.
  • An action plan to establish a network for child protection comprised of a National Commission for Child Protection and Marz (regional administrative subdivision) Commissions. This network should be supported by regional Social Service Centres, operating in Armenia since September 1993. Social Service Centres, in their area of responsibility, are best resources in identifying the situation of vulnerable families.
  • Implementation of the Welfare Standards for childcare in childcare institutions developed in 2003 with very significant input by civil society, USAID/PADCO and UNICEF. A working group led by the Minister of LSA including all relevant GoA and civil society players was established in 2003 in order to draw, in a coherent manner, on all possible resources in the field of child protection in Armeni
  • Involvement of civil society in all facets of policy development as well as in the delivery of state social programmes. In addition to the experience described above the MLSA outsourced to a local NGO, as part of a pilot exercise, the implementation of a new programme in the 2003 state budget for providing support to graduates from orphanage


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


The objectives of this contract are as follows:


  • Provide expertise, in the form of written guidelines, to the MLSA and the Supervisor of Orphanages for the development of alternative models of childcare suited to the Armenian environment
  • Advise the MLSA in the establishment of the National Commission and Marz Commissions for child protection
  • Identify any other deficiencies in existing policy especially with regard to the responsibilities of the MLSA in implementation of the PRSP
  • Assess the training needs in MLSA, regional Social Service Centres and local NGOs – implementers of state social programmes in child protection – with regards to implementing the new strategy for child protection.
  • Identify potential bottlenecks in the existing legislative framework that may cause problems to the GoA reform agenda in the field of child protection and propose relevant solution.
  • Provide recommendations and ToR for a TACIS programme to be implemented in 2005/2006
On-going Preparation of Participatory Watershed Management Plans", World Bank Natural Resource Management and Poverty Reduction Project
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia NRMPR Project Implementation Unit, Ministry of Nature Protection March, 2004 December, 2005

Narrative Description of the Project:


The work covers not less than 32 watersheds with about 81 associated village communities in Tavush and Gegharkunik Marzes. The objective is to prepare watershed management plans for selected villages. Currently, 16 watershed plans are prepared, which include activity plan and time schedule for each of the participant village. These documents are the basic guidelines for PIU during the Implementation Phase.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Collection of existing data sets and data obtained during the Rural Rapid Assessment on selected watersheds and related villages
  • Raising awareness and capacity building in selected villages
  • Conducting participatory resource appraisal (PRA) including mental mapping and transect walks
  • Undertaking natural resource, environmental and social inventory of selected villages
  • conducting problem census meetings to identify priority needs of participants
  • Identifying overlapping needs between participants priorities and the project menu of options
  • Working with Project Marz Coordinators to solve priority problems that overlap with project mandate by using the project’s action planning and action scheduling frameworks to enable the PIU to prepare a phased budget for watershed activities
  • Other functions and duties stated in the Terms of References of the Watershed Management Component
Support to the development of a strategic and legal framework for the implementation of the Vocational Educational Training Reform
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia TACIS Armenia November, 2003 April, 2004

Narrative Description of the Project:


The objective of this contract is as follows:
To put in place a comprehensive strategic setting for the reform of the Armenian VET system and to provide the legal framework for the effective development and implementation of the TACIS project on the “Support to the reform of the Armenian VET system”


One of the key aspects to be considered is the consultation process involved in the elaboration of the VET legislation. The experience in some partner countries has demonstrated the importance and effectiveness of the involvement of all the national key actors in the various drafting phases. The offering of the draft law to public debate with the involvement of national and international actors and representatives to provide comments and proposals has been shown to be a most effective way of preparing an acceptable new law.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • The national staff provided by VISTAA for this project is responsible to
  • Clarify the strategic components (‘building blocks’) for the reform of the Armenian VET system, including the necessary instruments for its implementation
  • Identify those components of the system, which have to be regulated in a VET law
  • Draft a VET law that fits the Armenian context while addressing key elements of a modern VET reform
“Agricultural Trainings for Loan Recipients”, UMCOR Aregak Micro-Credit
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia Aregak Micro-Credit Program March, 2002 May, 2006

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective of the Project is to assist women loan recipients of Aregak Micro-Credit program in Nagorno-Karabagh to profitably invest the money in high-value agriculture. Rural women of NK are mainly engaged in agriculture which is a very risky area. Most of them lack knowledge and skills in running profitable agriculture. This training program is aimed at upgrading women’s knowledge and skills in the such areas as:


  • Livestock breeding
  • Poultry Production
  • Pig Production
  • Veterinary services
  • Beekeeping
  • Basic Bookkeeping
  • Cash Flow Modelling
  • Dairy Production
  • Crop Production
  • Vegetables Production
  • Greenhouse Production, etc


Since the central task of the project is to create gender balance in the business area of NK, the training participants are women. The project provides easy access to credits, thus setting up new opportunities for women in rural areas. Training sessions designed specifically for women auditorium make a good floor for the establishment of a new business layer composed of women, who produce high value agricultural products and create favourable livelihood for their families.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Preparation of a training portfolio on major areas
  • Preparation and publication of training materials
  • Delivery of trainings with the implementation of practical work and visual materials
  • Post-training evaluation
  • Other additional functions
Joint River Management, Kura Basin Armenia
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia TACIS Armenia February, 2002 December, 2003

Narrative Description of the Project:


The global objective of this Project is to support the prevention, control and reduction of adverse trans-boundary pollution impact caused by the quality of the four rivers (Kura River, Pripyat River, Severskv-Donetz River, Tobol River) selected for the Project. The Project is to contribute to the development of effective Guidelines for the monitoring and assessment of the trans-boundary waters. The results will be used to recommend modifications to the Guidelines. The Project will adhere to the provisions of the Convention and apply to the principles in the final adopted version of the EU Council Directive establishing a Framework for Community Action in the field of Water Policy. In particular, monitoring and assessment pursues a) quantitative coverage, i.e volume, level and flow rate; b) ecological and chemical status of the river or surface water. Tasks undertaken in the Project should be designed, as far as resources allow, to be sustainable and to apply river basin management principles.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


The Kura transboundary river is among those selected as subjects for a pilot evaluation of the Guidelines for which a Core Group has been set up to manage the evaluation:


  • To demonstrate experience of developing monitoring systems in highly resource-constrained environments and of innovative approaches both in terms of methodology and financing
  • To demonstrate the application of the Guidelines developed by the Task Force
  • To promote and assist in the upgrading of the monitoring, services in the involved Countries in accordance with the Guidelines
  • To train managerial and technical staff on modem systems for the monitoring and assessment of water quality
Natural Resource Management and Poverty Reduction
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia NRMPR Project Preparation Unit, Ministry of Nature Protection January, 2001 December, 2001

Narrative Description of the Project:


The objective of the assignment is to develop a detailed, phased design of the participatory watershed management component, and project coordination with relevant capacity building elements, action plan for participatory management of resources and a mechanism for providing environment performance based community grants which will have a direct impact on rural poverty. The assignment included rapid rural appraisal and assessment of the natural resources of the project area and an institutional stakeholders’ assessment, namely to assess the institutional capacity for project implementation, to design project management arrangements, monitoring and evaluation mechanisms and schemes for administering community grants. In addition, the assignment has defined the role of the key agencies – Ministry of Nature Protection, Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Environmental Inspectorates, environment and agricultural departments of Marzpetarans, and means to empower local communities to implement activities addressing their needs.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Rapid Rural Appraisals of the project area
  • Natural Resources assessment of the project area
  • Institutional analysis of the institutions involved in the project, e.g. MoNP, Ministry of Agriculture, etc.
  • Development of Selection Criteria
  • Conducting Participatory Planning Workshops to identify participants’ needs and priorities;
  • Preparation of Watershed Management Plans
  • Development of Menu of Options
  • Other functions and duties stated in the Terms of References of the Watershed Management Component
Agricultural SME Trainings
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia AED Armenia November, 1998 November, 2001

Narrative Description of the Project:


SMEs in Armenia face a wide range of obstacles for development and growth. Many site issues related to taxes, corruption, legal and financial aspects are key impediments to growth. Agricultural SMEs not only face these broader issues, but also have additional issues that can only be identified in rural communities. Agriculture is forever changing and modernizing structure throughout the world, and those countries that do not adapt to the changing environment will have little opportunity for success.


As a result of preparatory investigation, VISTAA identified four (4) areas of training that could immediately address the issues facing agricultural SMEs. The individual areas included diary processing, bookkeeping, fruit processing and storage, and livestock care. A break down in government institutions, research facilities, and the educational system has left these enterprises without access to new technologies and information. The adjustment to a market economy has left many without the proper skills to operate in a market environment. VISTAA specialists shared their knowledge and experience working with SMEs for years, addressing the needs of SMEs and provided them with training they could use immediately.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Training needs assessment
  • Identification of target groups
  • Preparation of a training portfolio on 4 major areas
  • Preparation and publication of training materials
  • Delivery of trainings with the implementation of practical work and visual materials
  • Verification of training topics and training impact assessment through pilot research
  • Resolution of logistical issues related to training
  • Coordination of training program in training venue
  • Post-training evaluation
  • Other additional functions
“Regional Agricultural development – Farmer to Farmer”
Location Client/Donor Start End
Armenia ACDI/VOCA October, 1998 September, 2003

The goal objective of Project is to develop regional agricultural activities in various sectors of the industry: production, processing, marketing and other services to a number of state and private clients. Technical assistance is provided to agricultural and municipal enterprises with technical and business issues. Studies will be implemented and industry and sector analyses will be prepared.


VISTAA experts will assist US consultants in implementing short and medium term technical assistance assignments in all Marzes of Armenia.


Description of Services Provided by VISTAA Staff:


  • Business planning and strategy formulation
  • Technical and technological assistance
  • Design and technical justification of specific projects funded by USAID
  • Industry and sector analyses
  • Organization and administration of US experts’ assignments in Armenia
  • Implementation, procurement and construction of service and work assignments
  • Implementation of mini grant program